My Coronavirus Post
I said I wasn’t going to do it. We all got tired of hearing about coronavirus a long time ago, so I decided from the very beginning that I wasn’t going to pile on by dedicating an entire post this topic. Yes, our current pandemic did help inspire me to start this blog in the first place. Yes, I have posted a couple of song parodies with an overall theme resulting from our current coronavirus culture. But I have told myself this entire time that since everyone, including me, is beyond tired of hearing about coronavirus, I would absolutely not do a post about coronavirus.
With that said, here is my post about coronavirus.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to give a recap of everything that has transpired in our country and state over the last two months. I’m also not going to get into the whole debate about social distancing and how or when things should re-open. I prefer to stay out of that stuff (at least on here), and that’s not what this is about anyway. So perhaps this isn’t about coronavirus itself, but more of a personal reflection and perspective on our current times, as well as some words of encouragement.
I understand that the routine in most people’s lives has changed dramatically at some point over the last two months. Some people have had a difficult time adjusting to a “new normal”. For me, I have been working from home for over seven weeks now. This experience was great for about three days. However, after a few days of this, even introverts like myself who don’t need much social interaction actually miss seeing people at work. Now, after seven weeks, I am now working out of my fort that I have constructed out of couch cushions, chairs, and blankets. Now, for those of you who may be legitimately wondering whether that last statement was a joke…..yes. Yes it was.

Not that I’m complaining about working from home. As with most things, it has its advantages and disadvantages. One thing that this time has taught me is to focus more on the positives. It’s just simply better for our overall well-being to be more positive. So I’m going to give this a shot here. At least I still have a job. I currently don’t have to drive to work, meaning I’m not spending money on gas or fighting traffic. The dress code for work is currently a little more relaxed. The convenience is great.

Of course, as a person who also hates change, I can’t wait for everything to get back to normal, and I certainly wish like everyone else that the situation was different. But, although our situations may vary to some extent, I’m sure we can all find positives in whatever our circumstances are. This may not even be easy for everyone, but I’d like to encourage us to give it a try. As we think of the positives in our lives, here are some questions that I’ve heard or read somewhere that I think are good to ponder. I did not come up with these myself, but I think they’re worth sharing.
1. What has coronavirus taken away from you? 2. What has it not taken away? 3. What blessings has it given you? 4. Is there anyone who could benefit from hearing from you? 5. Is there anyone you can talk to if you are struggling during this time?
For what it’s worth, here’s my own four cents:
1. We have all heard this one million times, but if you’re having a hard time, talk to somebody.
2. If someone does want to talk, please be sensitive. People don’t want to have their feelings minimized by being told, “Pffffttt…other people have bigger problems – get over it!”
3. Let’s definitely take this thing seriously. At the same time, it’s also not healthy to live in a state of perpetual fear and paranoia, as if the next piece of unwashed fruit will kill us. Let’s be cautious, but not paranoid.
4. Let’s stay informed and keep up with what’s going on. However, if we’re watching the coronavirus news 24/7, may I suggest that can’t be good either. If we watch too much, it’s bound to weigh us down with negativity. Personally, I find that half an hour to an hour of the news per day is the right amount for me. Let’s stay informed, but not be overwhelmed.

The above images notwithstanding, this entry may be on the more serious side of things than some of my others. That might happen sometimes on here, although not always. In conclusion, I hope everyone is doing well during this time. Until next time, I leave you with this:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7